The man behind the guitar — the Ernie Ball Music Man Albert Lee — is nothing short of a legend. Of course, there is a reason why he was chosen for one of the first Ernie Ball Music Man signature models.
While he hails from Britain, his chicken-pickin’ sound could fool any southern gentlemen. His fingers are still lightning fast after decades on the road, and along the way, he’s gathered some great insight.
Host John Bolinger described his rig as “spartan,” for all he travels with is his signature guitar and an effects unit. But, what he lacks in on-the-road gear, he makes up for in a rich history with Ernie Ball. This Rig Rudown still lasts 22 minutes, mostly propelled by Lee‘s stories of designing his guitar.
Check out the full Rug Rundown below!

Albert Lee uses his signature Ernie Ball Music Man model strung up with Regular Slinky RPS strings.