In 1889, post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh painted the view he saw from the window of his room in a French insane asylum. The piece, titled The Starry Night, has come to be regarded as one of Van Gogh’s finest works, and is one of the most identifiable paintings in the history of Western culture.
In 2016, Ernie Ball Music Man released our own version of the Starry Night: the Premier Dealer Network-exclusive Starry Night finish package, a run of limited-edition instrument models for a select, international group of high-end retailers. These instruments, which were made available on nearly all of our instruments, feature such appointments as an exclusive sparkle burst finish, a figured, roasted maple neck with stainless steel frets, and an ebony fretboard free of inlays.

Take a closer look at the unique features available on these instruments below, and find a participating dealer near you.

Any plans for the new PDN exclusive series? I missed Axis SS which I cannot find anywhere now, so I really hope for another exclusive series such as Starry Night.
We’re getting ready to roll out some great new limited-edition instruments in the very near future. Stay tuned!