Jack White released the Official Music Video for his song “Corporation” on June 23rd. The song was originally issued on his third studio album, Boarding House Reach, in March of 2018. White’s release was widely talked about and topped the US Billboard 200 on its debut. From adoration to hatred, the response from the public widely varied. The album arrived in a mess of lacerating guitar riffs, melodic synth sounds, and confusing patter that is becoming a staple to Jack White’s artistic ensemble.
The music video very much resembles the album from which it came. Its creation parallels that of a crime-thrilling Netflix series. Beginning with a murder scene, transitioning into the lives of each suspect, and finally concluding at a dinner table in which everyone from the video, even the deceased, has gathered to break bread together. Check out the comments section of the video and you’ll find devout White fans wondering what Jack is up to. Theories include starting a cult, which several fans seem eager to join.
Through all the chaos of the video, there is one constant. The guitars voicing booms for attention to keep the rhythm of the video together. Try to catch the moments in the video where Jack White is seen strapped up with his Ernie Ball Music Man Saint Vincent Guitar in Vincent Blue.

Jack White is currently on tour in the United States. Grab tickets before the tour ends on November 20th.
**Images c/o Consequence of Sound.