Airing this week is a special 4-night event for the hit Cartoon Network show, Teen Titans Go, titled “The Night Begins to Shine.” Each of …
The Modern Classics series of guitars have quickly caught on to become some of the most beloved models in the Ernie Ball Music Man lineup. If …
The 2017 Journeys Alternative Press Music Awards took place last night, and as usual we are proud to see that several Ernie Ball Music Man family …
We’ve been seeing some great social media posts recently featuring players enjoying their Valentine guitars. We’ve rounded up some of the best (in no particular order) …
Among the many technological innovations that Ernie Ball Music Man has brought forth in our 30 plus years making instruments, one of the most important …
I’m not your mother’s favorite dog
I’m not the carpet you walk on
I’m not one small atomic bomb
I’m not anything at all
In 1889, post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh painted the view he saw from the window of his room in a French insane asylum. The piece, titled …
We’ve been seeing some great social media posts recently of players enjoying their St. Vincent guitars. We’ve rounded up some of the best (in no …
Ernie Ball Music Man signature artist St. Vincent has just announced her upcoming Fear The Future Tour, taking place this fall.
Unique, powerful, and boundary pushing. From the headstock down to the input jack, the Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo basses are plainly a different breed …